Spotlight Accredited


All classes take place ONE weekend a month. (Dates below)



25/26 Jan
22/23 Feb
22/23 March
26/27 April
17/18 May
14/15 June
19/20 July
  • We meet ONCE a month on a Saturday (September- July) 11 x 2 hour sessions. Choice of times 10am 12:15pm 2:30pm or 4:45pm
  • Full representation offered while training. 2 years training qualifies for Spotlight.
  • Visits from industry professionals.
  • Deep dive into text and screen acting techniques.
  • Acting for camera with professional production company.
  • Voice over and animation.
  • Optional between session challenges & individualised goal setting
  • Role reverse casting experience.
  • Payment options available; in full, 2 installments or monthly standing order £39
  • Audition only. Please email a self-tape below containing a short monologue of your choice, maximum 2 mins in length OR your showreel. Please use wetransfer.
  • We meet once a month for 12 months (Jan- Dec)
  • Please see above for the dates.  10am
  • Screen acting techniques, devising short scenes.
  • Scenes will be filmed, edited and shown on the big screen, as part of the cinema experience for friends, family and industry VIPs to attend and enjoy.
  • Visits from an industry professionals.
  • A minimum of 50% payment must be received before the course starts and the remainder before session 7.
  • Sibling discount and monthly pay options available please email us;
  • We meet ONCE a month on a Sunday (March to August) 6 x 2 hour sessions. Choice of times 2.00 pm to 4.00 and 4.00 to 6.00 pm
  • Visits from industry professionals.
  • To devise and perform in a short film. This will be shown at a special screening at the Film Theatre.
    Audition techniques for TV, Film and Commercials

  • Payment options available; in full, 2 instalments or monthly standing order £39
  • Audition only. Please email a self-tape below containing a short monologue of your choice, maximum 2 mins in length OR your showreel. Please use wetransfer.
  • Ideal for those who are unable to attend on a Saturday or are unable to commit to a full course
  • Each session covers a different subject – no 2 classes are the same
  • Topics can be related to acting techniques for screen, characterisation, improvisation, audition prep, self tape mastery. 
  • If you haven’t previously attended MSAS and you’d like to see what we’re all about, book a free session!;
  • Juniors: Sunday 10.00 am to 11.30
  • Seniors 18+ Sunday 11.45 am to 1.45 pm
  • Youth: Sunday 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm
  • Stage Fighting Qualification course on June 15th between10.30 to 4.30.
  • Run by Raph Aldis, one of the top stage fighting trainers in the UK, this 1 day course leads to the Introductory certificate
    . Raph’s students have gone on to shows such as Vikings, Game of Thrones, Witcher, Doctor Who and Lord of the Rings.
    You will learn not only unarmed and small weapon combat, but study in depth fight scenes from various films
    18 + and over (17 years allowed with parents consent)